Metheun Drama Sarah Kane Strophe and Hippolytus Sarah Kane's radical reworking of Seneca's classical...
Metheun Drama Sarah Kane Strophe and Hippolytus Sarah Kane's radical reworking of Seneca's classical...
Dramatic Publishing Stephen Jeffreys Leonora and Don John Synopsis "You will not like me. No, I say you will...
Josef Weinberger Ltd Debbie Isitt Kenneth and Hilary Kenneth and Hilary have been married nearly twenty...
Samuel French Eugene Ionesco Professor and Student An elderly professor and his young female student...
Dramatic Publishing Naomi Iizuka Orpheus and Persephone A visceral blend of classical mythology and real...
Drama Online Jonathan Harvey Viv and Valerie Babies is a warm-hearted, buoyant and very funny comedy...
Samuel French Christopher Hampton Tourvel and Valmont A tale of seduction set in France among aristocrats...
Samuel French Christopher Hampton Danceny and Valmont A tale of seduction set in France among aristocrats...
Samuel French Christopher Hampton Danceny and Valmont A tale of seduction set in France among aristocrats...
Samuel French Willis Hall Porthos and Aramis Dumas' swashbuckling tale on the stage in a fast paced,...