Samuel French David Belasco Rance and Johnson The Girl of the Golden West is a classic Western: the tale...
Samuel French David Belasco Rance and Johnson The Girl of the Golden West is a classic Western: the tale...
Samuel French Frederick Bailey Stradling and Mitsuko Working a shift at the box office of a Los Angeles...
Samuel French Alan Ayckbourn Poopay and Julian "A real knockout...A vastly entertaining blend of the West...
Samuel French London Alan Ayckbourn Murganah and Ahmed Murganah loves Ahmed, the Sultan's youngest...
Samuel French London Alan Ayckbourn Maryam and Murganah Murganah loves Ahmed, the Sultan's youngest...
MGM Robert Hardy Andrews Bramton and Dermott James (Niven), the Duke of Brampton and the richest man in England,...
Samuel French Jean Anouilh and Christopher Fry Diana and Isabella According to Atkinson (Times), a play...
Dramatists Play Service Edward Albee Jerry and Peter James (Niven), the Duke of Brampton and the richest...
Dramatists Play Service Edward Albee Leslie and Charlie THE STORY: On a deserted stretch of beach...
Dramatists Play Service Edward Albee Jack and Gillian THE STORY: Jack comes home from a middling day at the office...